Year: 2022

The museum trip

Ni Hao everyone,

On Thursday we went to the museum, the whole middle school block was there. And we were there to learn about volcanoes because we have been learning about it at school. There was Peter the T-rex the king, and some volcanoes.

Here  are some things we have done, first we went to the learning lab to learn about volcanoes. We were looking at some rock that was from a volcano. My favourite part is when we sorted out the rocks.


Bye for now everyone

Athletics day

On Monday it was athletic day at school. We had different challenges  it was so tiring, we also had to be in our age group. I was an 8 year old girl my group was Samar, Ella, Leeya, Olivia p, Alize and Bella. The first thing we did was long jump it was so much fun. And I found my favourite one it was the hurdles because they were easy and not hard and I really want to get better at it.

Making waka 🛥

Ni hao

This week we have been making waka, because we have been reading books about them. We had groups so it will be essayer  for us, my group was Yousuf, Samar and Mason. We used Popsicle sticks and hot glue guns. What do you think about our waka?

My fuzzy rabbits

Ni hao!

We have been writing a piece of writing we can pick which one to write with. We chose different ideas  and it was super fun doing it and it was the best writing ever. But what writing should I do next? And what should the title be next time?

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